Effective August 2007, Revised August 2013, Revised August 2016
Access to the computers and the Internet is a wonderful opportunity to interact with the world at large. Access is a privilege—not a right. St. Patrick School believes that computer and Internet use can promote academic excellence when resources are used for research and educational purposes. The school has provided computers and internet access to teachers and students throughout the school for educational purposes only. The computer/internet resources are strictly intended for educational purposes and are not permitted to be used for any other purpose regardless of the day or time.
It is not the intention of the school to police the activity of students/teachers while using similar resources at home. With widespread access to computers and people comes the possibility of encountering material and information that do not support the mission and goals of St. Patrick School. The opportunity brings with it a number of responsibilities. In order to use the internet services available in the St. Patrick School, you must read the following information and sign the computer/internet agreement that follows:
General Rules and Responsibilities
1. Students and their parent(s) must both sign the usage agreement.
2. A user will be responsible for actions taken by them while using the device.
3. Deleting, examining, copying or modifying files and/or data belonging to other users without their prior consent is prohibited.
4. Unless authorized, non-educational Internet usage is prohibited. (A list of sites that have already been determined specifically unauthorized is at the end of the document. This list is never complete and can be updated at any time.) Teachers are permitted to visit sites that are required for the execution of their duties and responsibilities.
5. Text messaging and instant messaging is strictly forbidden on computers owned by St. Patrick School. Such activities will not be conducted on St. Patrick properties.
6. The use of electronic mail by students is permitted if it is required by the course work provided by the instructor. Leisure and non-academic e-mails are forbidden to the students at all other times.
7. Users are required to obey all laws, including criminal, copyright, privacy, defamation and obscenity laws. A student or faculty member of St. Patrick School is a representative of this school at all times. Comments made while text messaging, instant message, e-mailing and posting on-line will be a reflection of this school and can affect the day to day activities of this school and everyone in it.
8. There is no expectation of privacy for any person while operating computers located on St. Patrick School property. The computers and network resources are property of St. Patrick School. The school reserves the right to inspect any material stored in files to which users have access and users of the computer/Internet will not use the school devices to obtain, view, download, or otherwise gain access to potentially objectionable materials. This includes text materials, pictures, video images, or sound files that may be considered objectionable.
9. Downloading any software, music, games and configuring a computer to share any of these and other materials is unauthorized.
10. Any action taken by the student which causes the computer to which they are assigned to lose functionality and capabilities such as programs and activities that overtake the resources and processes of the computer or network are strictly forbidden.
11. Any unauthorized, deliberate or negligent action that damages or disrupts technology, alters its normal performance or causes it to malfunction is prohibited.
12. All users will use the school technology as it is intended.
13. All users will be held accountable for any damage they cause to technology resources. All damages incurred due to the misuse of the technology will be charged to the user. Students and teachers who create a financial burden for the school to repair any computer or network component by means of misuse whether intentional or not be held financially responsible for paying the cost of the repair or replacement.
14. Users should not expect that files stored on school computers will be private.
15. Students are permitted to bring their own computer equipment onto the schools network using a login unique to such. Teachers may bring in computers and equipment for use in their classroom only after gaining approval from the computer and network administrators. This is to protect the school from potential computer virus’ or malware. Student and teacher computers must have a current and active antivirus software enabled on their computer with the most recent update and a full virus scan completed before being permitted to connect to the network. The school has the right to inspect the computer at any time because once it is utilizing the schools network it becomes part of the school. Antivirus protection alone does not prevent computers from developing malware and viruses. If the computer seems to have any potential security risk the school reserves the right to remove the computer from the network, physically. Students should then take the computer to a safe and secure place to be locked away.
16. The use of electronic devices such as cell phones, iPod’s and iPad’s , or tablet owned by the student or others not specifically mentioned are permitted during school hours as identified in the Student Handbook.
17. Students are permitted in the computer lab if they have special permission from the teacher that is in charge.
18. Teachers wishing to bring students into the computer lab must supervise the student’s and their activity.
19. Students are responsible for the upkeep and condition of the required course materials. Any student who loses or damages the required course material will be responsible for paying for the replacement.
Consequences of Unacceptable Use
St. Patrick School reserves the right to monitor all traffic/data occurring on the network and take action in response to any inappropriate occurrence at any given time. The school staff will take appropriate action for each offense. The appropriate punishments will be determined at the time of the offense and can lead to the eventual restriction of not being permitted to use computers owned by St. Patrick School.
Punishment may include but is not limited to any of the following punishments:
• Loss of grade
• Dismissal from the classroom
• Detention
• Suspension
• Repay school for monetary damage
• Expulsion
Inappropriate and Restricted Websites:
The administration of St. Patrick School has determined that the following websites and types of websites are inappropriate for use on the school equipment AT ALL TIMES. Pornographic material or any site which encourages objectification of the human body, or shows any graphic depiction of a sexual nature. School holidays and breaks and before and after school ARE NOT expectations. This list does not contain every inappropriate site. The school administration will determine the appropriateness of other sites not listed below as they are encountered.
Facebook Myspace Scoreboards
Any auto racing page External Proxy Servers Limewire
Chatting websites Gambling websites On-line banking
Instant messaging Any fantasy sport page Shopping websites
Social Networking Twitter