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Below are our Tuition Rates for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

$5,730.00 per student
Grade School K-8
First Student
$6,000 / year
First Student
$6,870 / year
Second Student
$4,862 / year
Second Student
$5,720 / year
Third Student
$3,820 / year
Third Student
$4,735 / year
Fourth Student
$0 / year
Fourth Student
$0 / year
High School 9-12
First Student
$6,973 / year
First Student
$7,895 / year
Second Student
$5,838 / year
Second Student
$6,770 / year
Third Student
$4,780 / year
Third Student
$5,717 / year
Fourth Student
$0 / year
Fourth Student
$0 / year

Smart Tuition

We will continue to partner with the company Blackbaud Tuition Manager, formerly known as Smart Tuition, for tuition billing. Blackbaud helps us to continue to manage costs in processing and collection.

There are several payment options to choose from: automatic debit withdrawal, cash, check, money order or credit card. Payments are due on the first of the month with a 10-day grace period if you are paying by check. The first bill in July will also include a Smart Administrative Fee with your monthly balance. If you pay the school directly, checks need to be made payable to St. Patrick School.

If a family would like to pay their full tuition balance by June 28, 2024, there will be a 3% discount applied to the balance and the Smart Administrative fee will be waived.

Blackbaud will send the first monthly invoice in July for the upcoming school year. If you have not received an invoice by July 15 or have questions regarding tuition, please call the Finance office at 606-564-9015.

Smart Tuition can be accessed here:

Tuition Assistance

The tuition assistance application process has opened on the FACTS website and applications are only available online. If you applied for tuition assistance for the 2023-24 school year, you will need to resubmit a new application for the 2024-25 school year

Please apply online at:  

The deadline is May 24, 2024. Should any families need an extension to the May 24th deadline, please let me know.

FACTS will process and prepare all applications. This organization charges a non-refundable application fee. This fee is payable by the family. We will use the recommendations from FACTS and award tuition assistance based on their recommendations.

Families will be notified in June their tuition owed for the 2024-25 school year. Payments will begin in July 2024. To avoid delays, it is imperative that FACTS receives all applications and tax documents by the deadline. Once your application is submitted, you can check the status by visiting the FACTS website or calling 1-866-412-4637.

We invite and welcome all families to apply for tuition assistance.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me through email [email protected] or call 606-564-9015 and leave a message on my voicemail.